Innova GStar Thunderbird 9 5 0 2 0 About The Thunderbird:
The Thunderbird is a powerful disc that can help bridge the gap between your Destroyer and TeeBird. If you want to cover long distances with the accuracy and finesse of a TeeBird you should grab a Thunderbird.
Classification: Distance DriverDiameter: 21.2cmBrief Description: Excellent for pin-point accuracy or distance, most accurate and reliable driver. Best Choice for: Utility driver, headwind driver, flex shots, sidearm driver,
Innova’s GStar Line!- With Great Flexibility, Comes Great Response. GStar is a new blend of Star that adds flexibility and even more grip. GStar is opaque like Star, but features a pearlescent sheen. Their allure is only surpassed by their beautiful flight. GStar discs have a smooth, gradual transition in flight and the same durability as our Star Line
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